
May 24, 2011
When I first arrived at Dhoom, I was surprised to see the size of the restaurant. There was a large waiting area at the entrance with plush couches.

The seating area was also quite big with numerous TV screens showing Indian MVs and dramas.

We wanted to order an appetizer and I decided to get the "potatoes with honey and crashed chilly" ($4.99). I forgot the Indian name for the dish, but I'm pretty sure "crashed chilly" means "crushed chili". I was a bit disappointed that this just turned out to be fries tossed in a sweet spicy sauce. I suppose it was kind of like an Indian style poutine.

As always I ordered butter chicken ($11.50). The portion was very big, especially compared to my last Indian meal at Akbar's Own. The sauce looked really rich and creamy, but oddly enough the taste was completely opposite. It tasted rather weak and watery without the exotic flavours of Indian spices.

The lamb palak ($10.95), a lamb dish with spinach and spices, was a lot more flavourful. Usually butter chicken is my favourite dish, but this time I actually found the lamb more enjoyable.

We got plain basmati rice ($2.95) to go with the entrees.

The food was decent but not impressive. The place wins in terms of quantity though, as all the dishes came in pretty large portions. We actually had leftovers to take home after stuffing ourselves.

DHOOM Restaurant & Bar on Urbanspoon

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